
welcome to stick it ot the man week

Dear Valued Reader,

Welcome to "Stick it to the Man Week" or as I may refer to it "sitmw". I've decided to dedicate the first post (of many) to explaining a little bit more about what sitmw is all about. If you have any additional questions as always please feel free to ask via email, phone, IM, sms, txt, , or my personal fav sext messages. I should actually change that to "i will only accept questions via sexting". So like you can ask your question by writing it on your balls, taking a picture of it, and sending it to me. Not only Acceptable but also preferred.

But I digress and the pleasantries of sexting should be explained at a different time. More about stick it to the man week:

Q: What is stick it to the man week?
A: SITMW started as a random occurrence whereby 3 bands that I wanted to see decided to visit rochester over a 4 day span. All the of the days happened to fall during the work week. This of course seemed to be a daunting proposition of balancing the excitement and experiences of seeing some great music acts and having to be at work bright and early, preferably free from the smell of the large volumes of alcohol that had fueled previously mentioned excitement.

In an act of boldness, and realizing what is truly important to myself I parlayed the trepidation into exuberance instead. With care or concern I decided to make the most of the week and to hell with others' expectations. Though, undoubtedly work is going to hurt, my production at work will in turn most likely "hurt" them (the mans). Hence "sticking it".

Q: Why do I care?
A: You probably don't. However for the most part it should make for some interesting (read: nonsensical) blog posts. And at the very least will provide ACTUAL RELEVANT music based information in this space.

Q: So who all is playing already, so I can decide if i should bother checking back this week?
A: The linesup in order of appearance:

Monday: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

Wednesday: Marnie Stern

Thursday: Jeremy Jay

Bonus: Saturday in Buffalo i'm going to see The Thermals!! Although this show falls outside of the work week it will provide a proper bookend to Stick it to The Man week.

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