
super tuesday

the lineup of new albums to listen today is spectacular

Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
The Thermals - Now We Can See


Update 1: I think I kind of hate Mastodon now. B-O-R-I-N-G. The thing that made them interesting is their brutal approach. The brutality has been replaced by technical precision. Which, by all accounts is pretty amazing. Also I am thoroughly annoyed and bothered by the fact that the angry scream has been almost entirely replaced by some kind of bullshit new age Ozzy douche singing thing. Which yes, your vocals are prettier, but thsy sound stupid, and i think you're fat.

Update 2: There are three songs that stand out. And by stand out I mean fucking seriously rock, and make me eat those words above. The Czar, Crack the Skye, and The Last Baron are all pretty much amazing. Also, I realized the "bonus" cd that came with mine is actually the entire album, but instrumental only. Which I think I will probably enjoy a lot more. I think I just kind of don't like Oblivion or Diviniations. Divinations is probably my least favorite song as it sounds like a single and not like a mastodon song. Final thought: my lungs are in tact, split by neither blood nor thunder, but my ears are at least picqued .

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