
understanding the debt ceiling deal

Let me first start by saying most of these thoughts were conjured after reading an op-ed piece in the buffalo news by Rod Watson . It was critical not of just one side or the other, but the whole group in general. And while some fingers were pointed, I thought they were deservedly so.

While I can mostly chalk the results of the debt ceiling debate up to 'stupid americans voting for glamorized politicians' (aka tea party members) and politics in general being more about wealth, fame, and greed over actually trying to look out for the interests of your constituents I still get physically uncomfortable thinking about the absurdity of this system in general. This article in particular brought up a few actually that made me turn into 'hindsight man' , for example...

So Obama thought that if he didn't blink that the debt ceiling wouldn't raise and put the American economy in peril that the American people would place the blame on him. I think he shouldn't have blinked. I mean the things he had to compromise are idiotic. Why is the understanding that the taxes that would have gone in place would affect You or Me? Why is there the perception that these taxes would be 'new', when in actuality it would just RESTORE tax revenues that were reduced under Bush ... remember him? Remember what a slimy shit bag he was, and how all his rich buddies got a free pass on paying taxes? Obama (and the dems) were just trying to set the playing field back to even.

Another point raised is how the spending cuts implemented are going to cost the US 1.2 million jobs. Again, the whole reasoning the GOP has for the tax breaks for the rich is that by decreasing their tax burden they will transfer these saved funds into investment in the US economy.

I wish I knew a sharp economist. I would love to know the # of jobs saved by not cutting spending, and the number of jobs created by these tax breaks. I'm going to bet the tax break money just goes into their bank accounts, and makes the bottom line all that much fatter.

To make a more close to home point the three most prominent area billionaires latest purchases to "help" the american economy 1.Terry Pegula - Bought the sabres, raised ticket prices ... seems to hurt the economy, where are the added jobs? 2. Bob Rich - Bought a european soccer club ... so his money is actually being spent on foreign investments, and again not doing a damn thing for the american economy 3. Grandpa Ralph - 2.5 million grant to improve the Pro Football HOF. Actually, in a way, there are going to be construction workers on that dime, but still ... I'm pretty sure 2.5million could have gone towards a much more economically sound investment in the american working class.

So basically my proposition is what if Obama stuck to his guns? Maybe he sacrifices the next election and the US economy crumbles ... when you only make 20k a year you have a lot less to lose than someone making 20mil a year. And a lot less to earn back. The whole thing is preposterous. Logic dictates that the debt ceiling should have been raised. If it wasn't blame should have been placed not on the people who insisted on using reason, but instead on the shit heads that held the american economy hostage in the name of helping the wealthy continue to skirt their responsibility.

And while I believe that Obama truly thought he had no choice, for the first time I don't actually think he is the right choice to lead the country. We need someone that will stand up, even if it means having a strong stomach, and the knowledge that you might commit political suicide. While open and honest dialogue is much appreciated, sometimes just taking one for the team is much more worth it.

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