
reader response: and reply

"A good compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do. You've got to kick off with a corker, to
hold the attention (I started with 'Got to Get You off My Mind,' but then realized that she might
not get any further than track one, side one if I delivered what she wanted straightaway, so I
buried it in the middle of side two), and then you've got to up it a notch, or cool it a notch, and
you can't have white music and black music together, unless the white music sounds like black
music, and you can't have two tracks by the same artist side by side, unless you've done the
whole thing in pairs, and . . . oh, there are loads of rules."

-'High Fidelity' by Nick Hornby
Using book/movie quotes to determine a set of real world ideals is like using one website to determine what music is good and what isn't .... hahahaha.

Anyways, there are definitely some good ideas there. I think the point is more related to the fact that the character cares and has put so much thought into making a mix tape, rather than the actual rules involved. That is definitely the part that I personally identify with (hence this blog?).

and do you hear the Kid A in Loch Raven? ..good stuff.

dude. Banshee Beat is kind of kicking my ass right now. I love this. It's like Eliott Smith's schizophrenic side...
Yeah man, this is like ... the song that epitomizes the validity of my concerns with MPP. I think the quote I had for you about this song the other night was something to the effect of "if i were an old school Animal Collective fan listening to MPP then Banshee Beat would be the song that I would look back at and would miss stylistically from newer animal collective music" ... or something like that. But yeah, feels is a great album. And that was like their 5th release. So much more left in the journey!!

she totally kicks those other guys asses.
I love the marnie. Dude, you should watch the whole show. Like, i'm not trying to say she is like the best musician or most creative or whatever. But she totally fuckin rocks ... with a smile ... and i find it sexy and endearing

since when were u mr. sunshine pants?
Hey man, why not? It was a really really really good day. Thanks for being around for some of it!

dude. this is golden.

..i don't know how i feel about melding the albums too much. especially with the Bends. I feel like the sounds clash a little too much. But i dig the innovation. ... another thing. we need a bigger song at the #2 spot (see 'High Fidelity' on the art of making a mix tape).
This mix is good shit. i refuse to expand into a playlist.. that butchers the art..
Dude, that playlist was the catalyst for my creativity this week. Like first off it was great bouncing ideas off each other. I had fun doing that. Second ... when I finally put this list together and listened for the first time ... it was amazing. It still is. I totally disagree with Nick Hornby regarding two in a row unless you're doing it for the whole mix tape. There are exceptions, rev green / fireworks is one of those. Both songs are great but the lead in to fireworks is even better.

Also, fitter happier as track 2 is key. Only because if you hid it further into the album there is less of a chance for the listener (at least this one) to skip over it, no one can be annoyed by an album at track 2, especially not coming off of peacebone. Then you get your segue into electioneering, jonny's guitar comes out fuckin blazing ... it works brilliantly. It is seriously one of the most fun playlists to listen to... loved it. Thanks again. BTW you never sent me what your final track listing was.

1 comment:

  1. ok. i'm totally getting the playlist as a catalyst for creativity. you might not have ever discovered the impeccable transitions we are now crafting if it weren't for that...
