
new release thoughts

Broken Social Scene - forgiveness rock record: if by chance you end up at a backyard barbecue, you look around and all you see are specialty beers, kids wearing plaid, mustaches, and jean shorts, and in the background you hear fuzz and trumpets and crooning .... you're probably at a party with indie kids who are rocking this record. It just sounds like that kind of an album. BSS is back on the ambient indie noise pop train. It's no 'You forgot it in people' but the hipsters will love it.

Band Of Horses - Infinite Arms: As much as I tried and tried to convince myself that BoH could do no wrong, the best I could muster is that while there may not be any bad songs on their new album, there aren't really any great ones either. A few tracks stand out, but fail to meet the bravado and compassionate pieces littered throughout the previous efforts. Bridwell's squeeky sheen basically carries what seems like a band trying to be a band instead of Bridwell solo + a backing band. It's probably too early to tell whether this is growing pains, or the end of what was once indie brilliance (the emo in me declares Infinite Harm). Did i hear syths on one of the tracks ? Wha?? Oh hell no. Keep your fingers crossed they keep a good mix of the old stuff in their live sets. And expect to see them sucking up commercial air time with the floaters found within.

MGMT - Congratulations: When MGMT first hit the scene I was not really impressed. Catchy dance pop wasn't my thing. I had the album and noticed that the tracks that weren't receiving bubble gum fame were completely different and comparatively for the genre downright awful. What I interpreted as indie lamestars attempting to no-talent assclown themselves to fortune and fame, was actually indie credstars just trying to a foot up in that ... needless to say missions accomplishsed. What Congratulations then turns out to be is an album made post-foot out your ass ... it's like they said ... 'yeah, we can make shitty pop, but check out the indie psych-rave we really dig playing'. I haven't gotten too deep into this one, especially since it at first felt like a cannonball into the Pacific on first listen ... but i can tell you it's at least an interesting listen. Just set your expectations down at the door.

1 comment:

  1. awesome bss and mgmt reviews. right on imagery for forgiveness. I couldn't agree more with mgmt remarks. ...except the lamestars part ... just replace "lame" with a backspace and we are squared away ;) I dunno, I guess I don't have a problem with pop in the right context...and for me I guess I always thought of Oracular as the right context. I always preferred the trancey Time to Pretend breakdown before Electric Feel. I suppose there are enough layers were it can be too easy to fixate on the assclown pop layers...
