
coming back soon

something has been off for the course of the previous 6 months. the height or really the bottom of this occurred shortly after my review of the best albums at the midpoint of '09. attempts at corrective actions were taken, but nothing stuck.

so in my next attempt to climb out of this place i'm going to attempt to bring back the blogging aspect that I started with. In my own defense a big part of the reason that this space was neglected had to do with I spend a lot of time working on this at times when I should be "doing other things" (ask if you don't get it). And other things were occupying a substantial amount of attention. But it looks like that perhaps is on the downside (finally) and so focus can shift back to the things that I find more interesting.

Look for later in the day a post regarding some of the best / worst new releases. And by new I mean over the last few months as I haven't written horse hockey about music. Except that post about Built to Spill. Which, yes, is still blowing my mind at the moment. Tony hearts indie rock. Shit, why didn't I make that the name of my blog? Too emo? Probably not emo enough. Ok, see you soon!

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