
bonna non story

Sadly my time has been tied up in real world events lately so I have not yet had a chance to unleash upon the interwebs my full review of Bonnaroo.

However I do have enough time this morning to share my favorite "non story". By non-story I mean that I actually had no part in any of this and all of the information is word of mouth from other sources.

Anyone heard of the band Cage the Elephant? Yeah, me either. Apparently they were good enough to have their "stage stormed" at bonnaroo.

A.) who the hell storms a stage at a hippy music festival?
B.) dillinger escape plan didn't play till sunday.

Anyways, I checked around to find some reviews of their latest album trying to harness an idea of what music was so overwhelming it caused an uncontrollable urge to bro down with security just to have a chance to get close to the band ... here's my favorite quote so far:

"It’s a fatal flaw that rears itself again and again as a bastardised version of blue-collar Americana is force-fed a mass-produced strain of bland modern rock throughout all eleven tracks."
- The Guardian

Guess I'm not all that upset that I missed what was described to me as the most important thing that happened at Bonna this year. Are you kidding me?

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